Posted on: Wednesday 28 May 2014

Clean Eating.. I'm sorry clean what??

Eeek first off I want to say so sorry for not having posted in a while! I didn't intend on this happening, been pretty swamped with Uni lately.. oh the joys of student life haha.

Now that that's all cleared up lets get straight to business... Clean eating.

I'm definitely no clean eating saint, I have my days where I have good intentions on eating well through out the day but then I usually hit a wall somewhere along the way and slip up. Especially when you're busy you can feel that it's hard to make time to actually prepare your meals properly.

I have been trying to get more into clean eating and what that basically means is eating real, wholesome foods a.k.a not processed crap. Im trying to eat as less refined sugars and less foods that have been stripped from their natural nutrients.

I thought eating clean would be really boring and bland but oh boy that is so wrong! You can still make a lot of the same meals and snacks but just substituting some products for healthier alternatives. Also there are sooooo many nicer foods that are so good for you that you wouldn't even realise, it's actually all so exciting. I literally feel so happy right now just writing about it... what a weirdo I know.

Also I would just like to make a point that for me this whole healthy eating  is not to make people to be 'skinny'. Everyone is built differently so it's about being healthy and strong on the inside out, looking after yourself and being the best you that you can be in every way. Why would you want to put something damaging into you? And the effects really do show up as a result, whether it be health issues, skin issues or your energy.

So along with healthy eating this lifestyle journey is about things that affect your mind, body and spirit as a whole.

My foodie insta is @thehealthylife101 if you want to keep updated with my food musings/get ideas. Definitely check out some other bloggers who have amazing recipes and advice and are just inspiring :) I'll post some pics from some of my fave blogs with their instagram. Yay!

P.S healing_belle has an app called the Whole Pantry.. it is amazing! Go check it out!

Take care of yourselves!

Love always,


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